Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Lately we have had no time for cooking in the mornings! So, thankfully, I came across a few different recipes for Overnight Oats on Pinterest and I am 100% hooked! You can add any fruit (banana, blueberries, strawberries, apples, pears, etc!!), milk (almond, coconut or even greek yogurt), sweetener (honey, agave or none), oats (steel cut or rolled), the possibilities are seriously endless! The best part- in 5 minutes flat you can have a delicious balance breakfast! 

 Serves 1: 1 tbsp chia seeds, half a banana, cinnamon to taste, 1/4 cup oats, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tbsp of honey (if you'd like)- I didn't here because the banana was sweet enough!- one mason jar- this is an 8 oz one.

 I like to mix it in a big bowl to make sure all the oats get wet from the milk. I have done it in the jar and sometimes the bottom layer is dry!! yuck!  

Pour into a mason jar or a container of your choice and breakfast is ready! Sometimes on really cold mornings I like to heat it up! Other times I take it on the go! So easy!


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